5 Ways to Prep Your Home’s Exterior for Painting

5 Ways to Prep Your Home’s Exterior for Painting

While many painting contractors in Wheaton, IL, are prepared to handle the preparatory work for you, most of them also appreciate a little help. Here are five ways to prepare your home’s exterior for a fresh layer of paint.

  1. Clean Away

Painting over an unsmooth surface is one of the surest ways to throw your investment down the drain. If painted over, small imperfections can quickly ruin a new paint job. Make sure to clean away dirt, mildew, and dust to ensure your exterior painting in St. Charles, IL, is a success. We recommend using a pressure washer with a safe cleaning agent.exteriors3

  1. Remove Loose Paint

If your old paint is starting to peel, chip, or otherwise deteriorate, you’ll want to remove it before applying a fresh layer. Avoid scraping bare wood, which can always be painted after sanding. To remove loose paint, use a wire brush and get rid of anything that looks flaky.

  1. Make Necessary Repairs

It’s always better to address flaws on your home’s exterior prior to painting, as problems like loose siding can create major delays. Have your home inspected before painting to catch sneaky problems like water damage and worn siding. Make repairs as needed.

  1. Scrape Old Caulk

Going back to creating a smooth surface, it’s also important to address old caulk. Scrape off the old stuff and add new caulk to windowsills, doors, and anywhere else that needs to be sealed. This is also a great opportunity to repair and re-putty windows.

  1. Have Your Painters Do It for You

The best way to prepare for your exterior paint job is, of course, to let your Naperville, IL painters do it for you! Look for a team that provides a full array of prep services so you can worry less about legwork and spend more time thinking about how good your new paint will look.