
What Should You Do to Prepare for Exterior Painting?

It’s April! That means it’s time to prepare for exterior painting. Of course, you are going to book a reliable painting contractor like Those Painting Guys to make the outside of your home look spectacular. Nevertheless, here are some suggestions to help you get an accurate quote and a professional job.

Prepare for Exterior Painting: Getting PricesPrepare for Exterior Paingint

Before you meet with your first contractor to get a price, take a leisurely walk around your house. Inspect it from top to bottom. Make some notes about where the exterior may need special attention or repairs. Look at the fascia and soffits, those trim areas at the edges of the roof. Look at the gutters, the trim pieces and the siding. Look at the doors of the house and the doors of your garage as well. Finally, inspect the shutters, windows and window trim, decks and porches.

Once you’ve done your inspection, determine for yourself what you want painted/stained. Be prepared to discuss that with painters who are preparing a quote for you. Make them aware of what you want included and excluded. Ask questions and discuss your concerns. If repairs will be part of the job, you will want to know the additional costs. What about second coats? Be sure you and each painter have a clear understanding of your priorities and their practices. The best way to do that is to have it in writing.

Prepare for Exterior Painting: Getting Ready

Once you’ve decided on a painter, there are some steps you can take that will help your contractor do the best possible job. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Decide on the colors for each element of the job. Normally, different colors are chosen for the siding of a house and the trim. You may want a third color for doors, shutters, or window trim. Your painter will want to get these colors from you before he gets to the job site.
  2. Be sure your yard is clean of pet droppings. Your painter needs to be able to move around freely and quickly. He shouldn’t have to be worried about where he steps.
  3. Trim bushes that are close to the house. Cut back tree branches that touch or get close enough to the house to make painting difficult. Also, be aware that the painter will do his best to place ladders to avoid damage to flowers and planting beds, but some temporary damage may be inevitable.
  4. On decks and porches, remove furniture if possible. Store it in a location that is out of the painter’s way. In fact, it should be in a location where it can remain for 24 to 48 hours after the painting is completed so paint/stain has a chance to cure.

Take the time to examine your house and determine your needs. Then, make the effort to remove obstacles from your painter’s path, and you will have done your best to prepare for exterior painting!